• GLOBALG.A.P. we have the certificate that our business meets the food safety supplier requirements.
  • The Food Safety and Quality Standard established by the European Retailers Association, which regulates the production of freshly consumed and unprocessed agricultural products, can be applied for international certification of these areas. It is based on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), the essence of which is to support the production of best available technologies and to support food production that meets the requirements of sustainable agriculture.


"Think and also act together”

  • Ternai Ltd. emphasizes the importance of quality improvement and constant food safety in all phases of its activity.
  • We consider it is essential that the quality of our products shall comply with the requirements of the applicable legal, hygienic and environmental regulations and last but not least shall comply with our Partners.
  • We can state that all of our staff and Partners are committed to the quality management and discipline, especially considering the standards of the Global G.A.P system.


  • To strengthen continuously the trust of our Partners and of our colleagues in our company.
  • To comply with relevant regulators, expectations, and requirements.
  • Always make sure that the best available products are manufactured, purchased and sold at the best available price, in the best time and quality.
  • An exposed task is the continuous training and retaining of the right experts.
  • Increasing the reputation of our company.




Ternai Ltd. - a three-generation family business - began its activity in September 2000 with a staff of less than 20 employees. The colleagues have previously been involved in field-horticultural activities (green houses), and are currently involved in commercial activity. Today, the number of employees at Ternai Ltd. has grown to about 50 employees and a similar number of seasonal agricultural workers.

The company's market position is stable, it produces and sells high quality products which are mainly sold in EU countries, but we have been shipping to Switzerland for many years.

Our strategic goals are to introduce high quality fresh vegetables and premium products in the European “agricultural market” with our cold-foil grown and purchased vegetables. We are also looking for the opportunities that arise from the novelties of cultivation, and are strengthening our opportunities as opposed to open land cultivations therefore we can sell our grown and purchased vegetables 4-6 weeks earlier than that of open land vegetable producers.

We are constantly developing our operating conditions, inventing in new solutions, and optimizing the existing infrastructure for full capacity utilization.

Our partners' quality demands, our systematic operation and the commitment of our employees always guarantee the excellence of our goods offered.

We can say that the activities of the Ternai Ltd. can be monitored in many European countries and it is specially a good feeling for us that in addition to business relations, friendships have evolved over the years. 

Our motto: "Think and also act together"

Ternai Ltd. emphasizes the importance of quality improvement and constant food safety. We consider it essential that the quality of our products shall comply with the requirements of the applicable legal, hygienic and environmental regulations and last but not least with our Partners. We can state that all of our staff and Partners are committed to the quality management and discipline, especially considering the standards of the Global G.A.P system. Our IFS system has been accredited since 2015 and we have also included several partners in our Grasp Certification Circuit.

The company's operation and management approach fits into the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management standard, our customer relationship mechanism follows the CRM system's methods and our decisions are based on planned and conscious controlling processes within the framework of GDPR.

Photos of our company


Our tasks

  • Continuously strengthen the trust of our Partners and of our colleagues in our company
  • To comply with relevant regulators, expectations, and requirements
  • Always make sure that the best available products are manufactured, purchased and sold at the best available price, in the best time and quality
  • An exposed task is the continuous training and keeping of the right experts
  • Increasing the reputation of our company - according to the intention of the founders in 2000.


  • Company name: TERNAI Production, Processing and Trading Limited Liability Company
  • Location: 6635 Szegvár, Ipari út 2., Hungary
  • Starting of activity: 12 September, 2000
  • Tax ID: 12527801-2-06
  • Company registration number: 06-09-007040
  • Business Areas:
    • Wholesale of agricultural products
    • Crop production services
    • Growing of vegetables, melons, roots and tubers
  • Nature of business: Agricultural production / trade
  • Profile: celery cabbage, cabbage, pepper-to-be-stuffed, kapia paprika, bell pepper, asparagus and crop plants.


A szentesi paprika oltalom alatt álló földrajzi jelzést (OFJ) kapott az Európai Bizottságtól. Az unió élemiszer-minőségjelző rendszerében - az oltalom alatt álló eredetmegjelölés (OEM, angolul: protected designations of origin, PDO) mellett - az oltalom alatt álló földrajzi jelzés (angolul: protected geographical indications, PGI) az egyik legfontosabb kategória.
A termékleírás szerinti hegyes erős, édes - töltenivaló, kápia, paradicsom - , illetve csípős ízű paprikafajtát a 19. század második felében a betelepedő bolgárkertészek kezdték termeszteni Délkelet-Magyarország szentesi kistérségében (Szegvár, Derekegyház, Fábiánsebestyén, Felgyő, Mindszent, Nagymágocs, Nagytőke és Szentes). A minőségi paprikatermesztéshez igen kedvezőek a térség hőmérsékleti- és fényviszonyai, a talajtani és vízrajzi adottságok.

Lap tetejére